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Adams, A., J. Pontius, G. Galford, D. Gudex-Cross and S. Merrill.2018.Modeling carbon storage across a heterogeneous mixed temperate forest: the influence of forest type specificity on regional-scale carbon storage estimates.Landscape Ecology. 33: 641-658.
Anderson, N. and R. Germain.2007.Variation and trends in sawmill wood procurement in the northeastern United States.Forest Products Journal 57(10): 36-44 .
Anderson, N. and R.H. Germain.2009.Land cover, land use and mill characteristics as predictors of wood procurement range.Forest Products Journal 59(11/12):100-107.
Anderson, N., R.H. Germain and E. Bevilacqua.2009.Characteristics of transborder wood flow to sawmills in eastern Canada.Forestry Chronicle 85(1): 1-10 .
Arseneault, J.E., Saunders, M.R., Seymour, R.S., and Wagner, R.G.2011.First decadal response to treatment in a disturbance-based silviculture experiment in Maine.Forest Ecology and Management 262:402-412 .
Bagstad, K., and Ceroni, M.2008.The Genuine Progress Indicator: a new measure of economic development for the Northern Forest.Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies 15 (1): 18-26 .
Bagstad, K., and M. Ceroni.2007.Opportunities and challenges in applying the Genuine Progress Indicator at local scales.International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment 3(2): 132-153 .
Bailey, S.W., B. Mayer and M.J. Mitchell.2004.Evidence for the influence of mineral weathering on stream water sulphate in Vermont and New Hampshire.Hydrological Processes 18:1639-1653.
Baron JS, Driscoll CT, Stoddard JL, Richer E.2011.Empirical critical loads of atmospheric nitrogen deposition for nutrient enrichment and acidification of sensitive US lakes.BioScience, 61: 602-613.
Baron, J. S., C. T. Driscoll, and J. L. Stoddard.2011.Assessment of nitrogen deposition effects and empirical critical loads of nitrogen for ecoregions of the United States.In: L.H. Pardo, M.J. Robin-Abbott, C.T. Driscoll, (Eds.), Inland surface water. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-80. Newtown Square, PA, pp. 209-227..
Bataineh, M., L. Kenefic, A. Weiskittel, R. Wagner, and J. Brissette.2013.Influence of partial harvesting and site factors on the abundance and composition of natural regeneration in the Acadian Forest of Maine, USA.Forest Ecology and Management 306:96-106.
Baumann, M., M. Ozdogan, A.D. Richardson, and V.C. Radeloff.2017.Phenology from Landsat when data is scarce: Using MODIS and Dynamic Time-Warping to combine multi-ear Landsat imagery to derive annual phenology curves..International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 54:72-83.
Baumflek, M.J., M.R. Emery, and C. Ginger.2010.Culturally and Economically Important Nontimber Forest Products of Northern Maine.Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-68. Newtown Square, PA: USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station.
Bedison J.E., and Johnson A.H.2010.Seventy-four years of calcium loss from forest soils of the Adirondack Mountains, New York.Soil Sci. Soc Am.74:2187-2195 .
Bedison J.E., and Johnson A.H.2009.Controls on the spatial patterns of carbon and nitrogen in Adirondack forest soils along a gradient of nitrogen deposition.Soil Sci.Soc. Am. 73:2105-2117 .
Bedison J.E., Johnson A.H., and Willig S.A.2010.A comparison of soil organic matter content in 1932, 1984, and 2005/6 in forests of the Adirondack Mountains, New York.Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 74: 658-662 .
Bedison J.E., Johnson A.H., Willig S.A., et al..2007.Two decades of change in vegetation in Adirondack spruce-fir, northern hardwood and pine-dominated forests.J Torrey Bot. Soc. 134: 238-252 .
Bedison, J.E., and B.E. McNeil.2009.Is the growth of temperate forest trees enhanced along an ambient nitrogen deposition gradient?.Ecology 90:1736–1742 .
Beier, C.M., J. Caputo, and P.M. Groffman.2015.Measuring ecosystem capacity to provide regulating services: forest removal and recovery at Hubbard Brook (USA).Ecological Applications 25(7): 2011-2021 .
Bettigole, C.A., T.M. Donovan, R. Manning, and J. Austin.2014.Normative standards for land use in Vermont: Implications for biodiversity.Biological Conservation 169: 392-400.
Bettigole, C.A., T.M. Donovan, R. Manning, J. Austin, and R. Long.2014.Acceptability of residential development in a regional landscape: Potential effects on wildlife occupancy patterns.Biological Conservation 169: 401-409.
Blackwell, B. D., and C. T. Driscoll.2015.Deposition of mercury in forests along a montane elevation gradient.Environmental Science & Technology 49:5363-5370
Bondi, C. A., C.M. Beier, P.K. Ducey, G.B. Lawrence, and S. Bailey.2016.Can the eastern red‐backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) persist in an acidified landscape?.Ecosphere 7:e01318. 10.1002/ecs2.1318.
Bose, A.K., A. Weiskittel, R.G. Wagner, and C. Kuehne.2016.Assessing the factors influencing natural regeneration patterns in the diverse, multi-cohort, and managed forests of Maine, USA. .Journal of Vegetation Science 27:1140-1150..
Bouchard J.R., D.D. Fernando, S.W. Bailey, J. Weber-Townsend, and D.J. Leopold.2017.Contrasting patterns of genetic variations in central and peripheral populations of Dryopteris fragrans (fragrant wood fern), and implications for colonization dynamics and conservation.International Journal of Plant Sciences (in press).
Briedis, J.I., J.S. Wilson, J.G. Benjamin, and R.G. Wagner.2011.Logging residue volumes and characteristics following integrated roundwood and energy-wood whole-tree harvesting in Central Maine.Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 28(2):66-71..
Briggs, N.A. and S.A.Sader.2009.Tracking forest change and development using low-cost remote sensing imagery and GIS Integration.Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 26(4):148-155 .
Brooks, R.T, K.H. Nislow, W.H. Lowe, M.K. Wilson, and D.I. King.2012.Forest succession and terrestrial-aquatic biodiversity in small forested watersheds: a review of principles, relationships, and implications for management.Forestry 85:315-328
Brown, M.L., C.D. Canham, L. Murphy, and T.M. Donovan.2018.Timber harvest as the predominant disturbance regime in northeastern U.S. forests: Effects of harvest intensification.Ecosphere 9(3):e02062.
Buchholz, T., Friedland, A. J., Hornig, C. E., Keeton, W. S., Zanchi, G. and Nunery, J.2013.Mineral soil carbon fluxes in forests and implications for carbon balance assessments.Global Change Biology:Bioenergy doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12044.
Burakowski, E.B., S.V. Ollinger, G. B. Bonan, C.P. Wake, J.E. Dibb, and D.Y. Hollinger.2016.Evaluating the climate effects reforestation in New England, USA, using a Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Multi-Physics Ensemble.Journal of Climate 29(14):5141-5156.
Burrascano, S., W.S. Keeton, F.M. Sabatini, and C. Blasi.2013.Commonality and variability in the structural attributes of moist temperate old-growth forests: A global review.Forest Ecology and Management 291:458–479 .
Campbell JL, Rustad LE, Boyer EW, Christopher SF, Driscoll CT, Fernandez IJ, Groffman PM, Houle D, Kiekbusch J, Magill AH, Mitchell MJ, and Ollinger SV.2009.Consequences of climate change for biogeochemical cycling in forests of northeastern North America.Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39:264-284 .
Campbell, J., M.J. Mitchell and B. Mayer.2006.Isotopic assessment of NO3- and SO42- mobility during winter in two adjacent watersheds in the Adirondack Mountains, New York.J. Geophys. Res., 111, G04007, doi:10.1029/2006JG000208. .
Campbell, J.L., C.T. Driscoll, A. Pourmokhtarian, K. Hayhoe.2011.Streamflow responses to past and projected future changes in climate at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, United States.Water Resources Research 47: W02514 .
Campbell, J.L., J.W. Hornbeck, M.J. Mitchell, M.B. Adams, M.S. Castro, C.T. Driscoll, J.S. Kahl, J.N. Kochenderfer, G.E. Likens, J.A. Lynch, P.S. Murdoch, S.J. Nelson, and J.B. Shanley.2004.Input-output budgets of inorganic nitrogen for 24 forest watersheds in the northeastern United States: a review.Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 151: 373-396.
Campbell, J.L., Mitchell, M.J., Mayer, B., Groffman, P.M., Christenson, L.M.2007.Mobility of nitrogen-15-labeled nitrate and sulfur-34-labeled sulfate during snowmelt.Soil Science Society of America Journal 71:1934-1944.
Caputo, J.D., C.M. Beier, P. Groffman, D. Burns, F. Beall, T. Yorks, and P. Hazlett.2016.Effects of harvesting forest biomass on water and climate regulation services: a synthesis of long-term experiments in eastern North America. Ecosystems 19:271-283.
Caputo, J.D., C.M. Beier, T.J. Sullivan, and G. Lawrence.2016.Modeled effects of soil acidification on long-term ecological and economic outcomes for managed forests in the Adirondack region (USA).Science of the Total Environment 565: 401-411.
Caputo, J.D., C.M. Beier, V.A. Luzadis, and P.M. Groffman.2016.Integrating beneficiaries into measurement of ecosystem services from managed forests at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, USA.Forest Ecosystems 3:13..
Castle, M.E., A. Weiskittel, R. Wagner, M. Ducey, J. Frank, and G. Pelletier.2017.Variation in stem form and risk of four commercially important hardwood species in the Acadian Forest: Implications for potential sawlog volume and tree classification systems.Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47:1457–1467.
Castle, M.E., A.R. Weiskittel, M.J. Ducey, R.G. Wagner, J. Frank, and G. Pelletier.2018.Evaluating the influence of stem form and damage on individual tree diameter increment and survival in the Acadian Region: Implications for predicting future value of northern commercial hardwood stands.Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48:1-13.
Chase, L.C., R.M.J. Boumans, and S. Morse.2006.Participatory modeling of recreation and tourism.Pages 377-381 in: Burns, R. and K. Robinson (eds.) Proceedings of the 2006 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. April 9-11, 2006, Bolton Landing, New York. U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station, General Technical Report NRS-P-14.
Chen, C., A. Weiskittel, M. Bataineh, and D.A. MacLean.2019.Modelling variation and temporal dynamics of individual tree defoliation caused by spruce budworm in Maine, US and New Brunswick, Canada.Forestry 92:133-145
Chen, C., A. Weiskittel, M. Bataineh, and D.A. MacLean.2018.Refining the Forest Vegetation Simulator for projecting the effects of spruce budworm defoliation in the Acadian Region of North America.Forestry Chronicle 94:240-253.
Chen, C., A. Weiskittel, M. Bataineh, and D.A. MacLean.2017.Evaluating the influence of varying levels of spruce budworm defoliation on annualized individual tree growth and mortality in Maine, USA and New Brunswick, Canada.Forest Ecology and Management 396:184-194.
Chen, C., A. Weiskittel, M. Bataineh, and D.A. MacLean.2017.Even low levels of spruce budworm defoliation affect mortality and ingrowth but net growth is more driven by competition.Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47:1546-1556.
Chen, C., P. Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, and A. Weiskittel.2021.Assessing spatial and temporal dynamics of a spruce budworm outbreak across the complex forested landscape of Maine, USA.Annals of Forest Science 78(2):1-14.
Chen, C., X. Wei, A. Weiskittel, and D.J. Hayes.2019.Above-ground carbon stock in merchantable trees not reduced between cycles of spruce budworm outbreaks due to changing species composition in spruce-fir forests of Maine, USA.Forest Ecology and Management 453:117590.
Chen, L., and C. T. Driscoll.2005.Regional assessment of the response of the acid-base status of lake watersheds in the Adirondack region of New York to changes in atmospheric deposition using PnET-BGC.Environmental Science & Technology 39:787-794.
Chen, L., and C. T. Driscoll.2005.Regional application of an integrated biogeochemical model to northern New England and Maine.Ecological Applications 15:1783-1797.
Cianfrani, C.M., S.M.P. Sullivan, W.C. Hession, and M.C. Watzin.2009.Mixed stream channel morphologies: implications for fish community diversity.Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 19:147-156.
Clark, J.S., D.M. Rizzo, M.C. Watzin, and W.C. Hession.2008.Spatial distribution and geomorphic condition of fish habitat in streams: an analysis using hydraulic modeling and geostatistics.River Research and Applications 24:885-899.
Clark, S.C., Schlarbaum, C.C. Pinchot, S.L. Anahnostakis, M.R. Saunders, M. Thomas-Van Gundy, P.G. Schaberg and 16 additional authors.2014.American chestnut restoration in the National Forest System.Journal of Forestry. is external)
Clark, S.L, S.E. Schlarbaum, C.C. Pinchot, S.L. Anahnostakis, M.R. Saunders, M. Thomas-Van Gundy, P.G. Schaberg, J. McKenna, J.F. Bard, P.C. Berrang, D.M. Casey, C.E. Casey, B. Crane, B.D. Jackson, J.D. Kochenderfer, R. MacFarlane, R. Makowske, M.D. Miller, J.A. Rodrigue, J. Stelick, C.D. Thornton, and T.S. Williamson.2014.American chestnut restoration in the National Forest System.Journal of Forestry 112(5):502-512.
Constanza, K.K.L., W.H. Livingston, D.M. Kashian, R.A. Slesak, J.C. Tardiff, J.P. Dech, A.K. Diamond, J.J. Daigle, D. Ranco, et al.2017.The precarious state of a cultural keystone species: Tribal and biological assessments of the role and future of black ash.Journal of Forestry 115:435-446.
Contosta, A. R., A. Adolph, D. Burchsted, E. Burakowski, M. Green, D. Guerra, M. Albert, J. Dibb, M. Martin, W.H. McDowell, M. Routhier, C. Wake, R. Whitaker, and W. Wollheim.2017.A longer vernal window: the role of winter coldness and snowpack in driving spring transitions and lags.Glob Change Biol 23:1610–1625.
Coster, S.S., K.J. Babbitt, A. Cooper, and A.I. Kovach.2015.Limited influence of local and landscape factors on fine-scale gene flow in two pond-breeding amphibians.Molecular Ecology 24:742-758 .
Daigle, J.J., C.L. Straub, J.E. Leahy, S.M. De Urioste-Stone, D.J. Ranco, and N.W. Siegert.2018.Campers and behaviors of firewood transport: An application of involvement theory and beliefs about invasive forest pests.Forest Science 65(3):363-372.
Day, M.E., and M.S. Greenwood.2011.Vegetative growth and reproductive development in temperate conifers and regulation of ontogenetic strategies.Pp. 91-120 in F.C. Meinzer, T. Dawson and B. Lachenbruch, eds. Size- and age-related changes in tree structure and function. Springer Tree Physiology Series, Springer-Verlag, NY
Day, M.E., S. Zazzaro and L.B. Perkins.2014.Seedling ontogeny and environmental plasticity in two co-occurring shade-tolerant conifers and implications for environment-population interactions.American Journal of Botany 101: 45-55.
Driscoll, C.T., G. Lawrence, A. Bulger, T. Butler, C. Cronan, C. Eagar, K. Lambert, G. Likens, J. Stoddard, K. Weathers.2002.Acidic deposition in the northeastern US: Sources, inputs, ecosystem effects, and management strategies. BioScience 51:180-198.
Driscoll, C.T., Han, Y-J., Chen, C.Y., Evers, D.C., Lambert, K.F., Holsen, T.M., Kamman, N.C., and Munson, R.K.2007.Mercury contamination in forest and freshwater ecosystems in the northeastern United States.BioScience 57:17-28 .
Ducey, M.J., J.S. Gunn, and A.A. Whitman.2013.Late-successional and old-growth forests in the northeastern United States: Structure, dynamics, and prospects for restoration.Forests 4(4):1055-1086. (in Special Issue: Forest Restoration and Regeneration) .
Dukes JS, Pontius J, Orwig D, Garnas JR, Rodgers VL, Brazee N, Cooke B, Theoharides KA, Stange EE, Harrington R, Ehrenfeld J, Gurevitch J, Lerdau M, Stinson K, Wick R, and Ayres M.2009.Responses of pests, pathogens and invasive species to climate change in the forests of northeastern North America: What can we predict? .Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39:231-248 .
Ebers, A., R.W. Malmsheimer, D. Newman, and T.A. Volk.2016.Inventory and classification of United States federal and state forest biomass electricity and heat policies.Biomass and Bioenergy 84:67-75.
Edling, L. and C. Danks.2018.To adopt or not to adopt? That was our question: Insights on energy transitions from a study of advanced wood heating.Energy Research and Social Science 45:331-339 .
Egan, A.2014.“The best workers they had” – Le bûcheron québécois in Maine’s north woods.Forestry Chronicle Special issue on Canadian forest history. May/June 2014, 90(3):15-18.
Egan, A. and D. Taggart.2009.Public perception of the logging profession in Maine and implications for logger recruitment.Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 26(3):93-98.
Egan, A., D. Taggart, and I. Annis.2007.Effects of population pressures on wood procurement and logging opportunities in northern New England.Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 24(2): 85-90 .
Elmore, A.J, S.M. Guinn, B.J. Minsley, and A.D. Richardson.2012.Landscape controls on the timing of spring, autumn, and growing season length in mid-Atlantic forests.Global Change Biology, 18: 656-674, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02521.x
Engel, B.J., P.G. Schaberg, G.J. Hawley, S.A. Rayback, J. Pontius, A.M. Kosiba, and E.K. Miller.2016.Assessing relationships between red spruce woody growth and high-resolution pollution exceedance values.Forest Ecology and Management 359:83-91.
Evers, D.C., and T.A. Clair.2005.Mercury in northeastern North America: A synthesis of existing databases.Ecotoxicology 14:7-14. DOI:10.1007/s10646-004-6255-0.
Farrell, M.2012.Estimating the maple syrup production potential of American forests: An enhanced estimate that accounts for density and accessibility of tappable maple trees.Agroforestry Systems 87(3): 631-641.
Farrell, M.2012.The economics of managing maple trees for sawtimber production or leasing for syrup production.Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 29(4):165-172.
Farrell, M. and B. Chabot.2012.Assessing the growth potential and economic impact of the U.S. maple syrup industry.Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 2(2):11–27
Foster, B., D. Wang, and W. Keeton.2008.An exploratory, post-harvest comparison of ecological and economic characteristics of Forest Stewardship Council certified and uncertified northern hardwood stands.Journal of Sustainable Forestry 26(3):171-191 .
Foster, B., D. Wang, W.S. Keeton, and M.S. Ashton.2010.Implementing sustainable forestry using six management concepts in an adaptive management framework.Journal of Sustainable Forestry 29(1): 79-108 .
Fox, M.J.V. and J.D. Erickson.2018.Genuine economic progress in the states: a 50-state study and comparative assessment.Ecological Economics 147:29-35.
Frank, J., M.E. Castle, J.A. Westfall, A.R. Weiskittel, D.W. MacFarlane, S.K. Baral, P.J. Radtke, and G. Pelletier.2018.Variation in occurrence and extent of internal stem decay in standing trees across the eastern US and Canada: Evaluation of alternative modelling approaches and influential factors.Forestry 91:382-399.
Freidenfelds, N.A., J.L. Purrenhage, and K.J. Babbitt.2001.Effects of clearcuts and forest buffer size on post-breeding emigration of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus). Forest Ecology and Management 261:2115-2122 .
Frelich, L.E., R.O. Peterson, M. Dovciak, P.B. Reich, J.A. Vucetich, and N. Eisenhauer.2012.Trophic cascades, invasive species, and body‐size hierarchies interactively modulate climate change responses of ecotonal temperate‐boreal forest.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 367: 2955-2961 .
Gannon, J.P., S.W. Bailey, K.J. McGuire, and J.B. Shanley.2015.Flushing of distal hillslopes as an alternative source of stream dissolved organic carbon in a headwater catchment.Water Resour. Res. 10.1002/2015WR016927.
Gbondo-Tugbawa, S.S., C.T. Driscoll, M.J. Mitchell, J.D. Aber and G.E. Likens.2002.A model to simulate the response of a northern hardwood forest ecosystem to changes in S deposition.Ecological Applications 12:8-23.
Germain, R.H., B. Ellis and S. Stehman.2014.Does landowner awareness and knowledge lead to sustainable forest management?.Journal of Extension 52(6):1-13.
Germain, R.H., S. Bick, M. Kelley, J. Benjamin, and W. Farrand.2016.A case study of three high-performing contract loggers with distinct harvest systems: Are they thriving, striving or just surviving?.Forest Products Journal. 66(1/2):97-105.
Gerson, J. R., C. T. Driscoll, J. D. Demers, A. K. Sauer, B. D. Blackwell, M. R. Montesdeoca, J. B. Shanley, and D. S. Ross.2017.Deposition of mercury in forests across a montane elevation gradient: Elevational and seasonal patterns in methylmercury inputs and production.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122:1922-1939.
Gerson, J.R. and C.T. Driscoll.2016.Is mercury in a remote forested watershed of the Adirondack Mountains responding to recent decreases in emissions?.Environmental Science and Technology 50(20):10943–10950.
Ginger, C., Emery, M., Baumflek, M. and D. Putnam.2012.Access to natural resources on private property: Factors beyond right of entry.Society and Natural Resources 25(7): 700‐715.
Gottesman, A. and W.S. Keeton.2017.Regeneration responses to management for old-growth characteristics in northern hardwood-conifer forests.Forests 8(45):1-21.
Greenwood, M.S., M.E. Day and J. Schatz.2010.Separating the effects of tree size and meristem maturation on shoot development of grafted scions of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg).Tree Physiology 30: 459-468
Groffman P.M., M.A. Altabet, J.K. Böhlke, K. Butterbach-Bahl, M.B. David, M.K. Firestone, A.E. Giblin, T.M. Kana, L.P. Nielsen, and M.A. Voytek.2006.Methods for measuring denitrification: diverse approaches to a difficult problem.Ecological Applications 16:2091-2122.
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Groffman, P.M., J.P Hardy, C.T. Drisoll, and T.J. Fahey.2006.Snow depth, soil freezing and trace gas fluxes in a northern hardwood forest.Global Change Biology 12:1748-1760
Guddex-Cross, D., J. Pontius, and A. Adams.2017.Enhanced forest cover mapping using spectral unmixing and object-based classification of multi-temporal Landsat imagery.Remote Sensing of Environment 196: 193-204.
Guerrieri, R., L. Lepine, H. Asbjornsen, J. Xiao, S.V. Ollinger.2016.Evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in relation to climate and canopy nitrogen in U.S. forests.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121:2610–2629
Guerrieri, R., S. Belmecheri, S.V. Ollinger, H. Asbjornsen, K. Jennings, J. Xiao, B.D. Stocker, M. Martin, D.Y. Hollinger, R. Bracho-Garrillo, K. Clark, S. Dore, T. Kolb, J.W. Munger, K. Novick, A.D. Richardson.2019.Disentangling the role of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance on rising forest water-use efficiency.PNAS 116:16909–16914.
Gunn, J.A., D.J. Ganz, and W.S. Keeton.2012.Biogenic vs. geologic carbon emissions and forest biomass energy production.Global Change Biology: Bioenergy 4:239-242.
Gunn, J.S., M.J. Ducey, and A.A. Whitman.2014.Late-successional and old-growth forest carbon temporal dynamics in the northern forest (northeastern USA).Forest Ecology and Management 312:40–46.
Guo, T., J. Leahy, E. Huff, C. Danks, and M. Adams.2018.A social network analysis of a regional automated wood pellet heating industry in pursuing homeowner satisfaction.Forest Products Journal 68(2):182-190.
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Heilman, W.E., D.Y. Hollinger, X. Li, X. Bian, and S. Zhong.2010.Impact of revised and potential future albedo estimates on CCSM3 simulations of growing-season surface temperature fields for North America.Atmospheric Science Letters 11(4):319-326 .
Hermans, C., J.D. Erickson, A. Sheldon, T. Noordewier, and M. Kline.2007.Collaborative environmental planning in river management: an application of multicriteria decision analysis in the White River Watershed of Vermont, USA.Journal of Environmental Management 84:534-546 .
Hicke, J.A., J.C. Jenkins, D.S. Ojima, and M.J. Ducey.2007.Spatial patterns of forest characteristics in the western United States derived from inventories.Ecological Applications 17(8):2387-2402.
Hiesel, P., M. Crandall, A.R. Weiskittel, J. Benjamin, and R.G. Wagner.2017.Evaluating the long-term influence of alternative commercial thinning regimes and harvesting systems on projected net present value of pre-commercially thinned spruce-fir stands in northern Maine.Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47:203-214.
Hollinger, D.Y., S.V. Ollinger, A.D. Richardson, T.P. Meyers, D.B. Dail, M.E. Martin, N.A. Scott, T.J. Arkebauer, D.D. Baldocchi, K.L. Clark, P.S. Curtis, K.J. Davis, A.R. Desai, D. Dragoni, M.L. Goulden, L. Gu, G.G. Katul, S.G. Pallardy, K.T. Paw U, H. Schmid, P.C. Stoy, A.E. Suyker, and S.B. Verma.2010.Albedo estimates for land surface models and support for a new paradigm based on foliage nitrogen concentration.Global Change Biology 16:696-710 .
Hufkens, K., M. Friedl, O. Sonnentag, B.H. Braswell, T. Milliman, and A.D. Richardson.2012.Linking near-surface and satellite remote sensing measurements of deciduous broadleaf forest phenology.Remote Sensing of Environment, 117: 307-321, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.10.006
Hufkens, K., M.A. Friedl, T.F. Keenan, O. Sonnentag, A. Bailey, J. O’Keefe and A.D. Richardson.2012.Ecological impacts of a widespread frost event following early spring leaf-out.Global Change Biology 18: 2365-2377 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02712.x
Huggett, Brett A.; Schaberg, Paul G.; Hawley, Gary J.; Eager, Christopher.2007.Long-term calcium addition increases growth release, wound closure, and health of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) trees at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest.Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37:1692-1700.
Huntington, T.G., A.D. Richardson, K.J. McGuire, and K. Hayhoe.2009.Climate and hydrological changes in the northeastern United States: recent trends and implications for forested and aquatic ecosystems.Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 199-212.
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