Dr. John J. Daigle is citizen member of the Penobscot Nation and Professor in the School of Forest Resources at the University of Maine, Orono. John received his Ph.D. in Forestry from the University of Massachusetts in 1997 and started working at the University of Maine in 1998. For the past 10 years, he has been working on a project mobilizing diverse interests to address potential threats from invasive species in Maine – the case of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). The research seeks to study and facilitate the ways that Wabanaki, basket-makers, tribes, state and federal foresters, university researchers, landowners and others come together to prevent, detect, and respond to the threat of EAB.
Prior to accepting his present position with the University of Maine, he served approximately 10 years with the National Park Service as a Park Ranger and U.S. Forest Service as a Research Forester.